If you own RideTech CoilOvers, get one of these spanner wrenches for adjusting spring preload and therefore ride height. The spanner wrench loosens and tightens coil spring retainer nut. Our CoilOver spanner wrench is easy to use and takes…
Bleeds Brakes Like The Professionals
Pressurizes Brake Fluid So All Trapped Air Is Forced From System
Will Fit Master Cylinder Openings Up To 4" x 6.5"
Do It Yourself-No Helpers Required
This Chevy brake master cylinder…
It's called the traveling spreader since it is compact enough to take touring with you. This is used to spread the rear leaf spring. One end sets againts rolled end of spring and pipe goes around one of the housing bolts on the rear end…
More Effective In Reducing Air Simple To Use No More Fluid Spills Less Expensive Then Others The next time you purchase a master cylinder, try this new Bench bleeder tool. Simply to use and makes certain your master cylinder is ready to…
Single crimper used for F-type terminals included in Classic Update and universal harnesses. Wire sizes ranging from 20 gauge to 14 gauge and Double crimper Used for F-type terminals included in Classic Update and universal harnesses. Wire…
Ideal for the small cargo areas of a Ford. Wrench set is supplied in a 20-1/2"
x 14-1/2"
molded storage case with a convenient flip-out carrying handle. The wrenches are made of forged steel and the sockets have handy…
Used to split the rivet transverse to the transmission lining, 8-1/2" long for good leverage.
Greatly assists in spreading & sinking the rivet so it sits below the band material.
When installing new T-2713 spindle bushings, the face of the bushing must be cut to fit your application. This tool slips inside the bore of the bushing and faces the head properly. U.S.A.…
A safe way to spread the front leaf spring for replacing shackles or simply removing the spring from the car. Improved version has tabs on ends that wrap around spring so it can not slip out. U.S.A.…
This two ended wrench makes adjusting your juice brakes a cinch. The 3/4" ring wrench has an angled drop, in order to better loosen the jam nut, while the prong end is used in the adjusting cam to set the shoes adjustable heel. A…
This tool is not off-the-shelf, and is made specifically for Model-T's. After installation of T2713 bushings, this special reamer reams upper and lower bushings at the same time so they're properly aligned.