Used for the 1928-31 Model A Zenith carburetors. This kit gives you two .015" thick fiber shims and two .031" fiber shims. Used on the float valve to raise or lower the fuel level in the bowl. U.S.A.…
The 'single' style venturi for the Zenith carb. This is a fully machined part so the inside diameter is smooth for proper air flow. Not a cheap die cast piece! The best venturi on the market today. Fits all Zenith carburetors except the…
This Holley G carburetor rebuild kit contains:
T6200G (carb gasket set)
T4451A (carb float)
T6210 (float lever pin)
T6218 (choke lever spring)
T4130MB (flange mounting bolt set)
These kits are for the cast…
No more guessing with this little gadget. Attaches to the Zenith carb to set the float level right where it is supposed to be. Comes with instructions. U.S.A.…
Used to connect the gas line from the fuel tank to the carburetor on all years. 1926-27 with the sediment bowl on the firewall will also use this same fitting to connect the fuel line to the sediment bowl.You will also need the T-2910 pack…
The last float you will ever buy! Made of modern material resistant to alcohol. Hardware included, use old hinge. 2-7/8" O.D., 2" I.D., 1-1/2" High. U.S.A.…
These dual feed fuel lines are a great addition to any fuel system. The pre-assembled fuel lines clean up your engine compartment and properly deliver fuel to your carburetor. Available in multiple sizes and styles to suit your…
Cadmium plated control rods with the spring loaded ends. Ours are a bit more expensive than others, but they are made correctly and seat on the ball properly. 10-1/2" carb control rod. Runs from the throttle linkage that bolts to the back…