A handy tool to tighten the water pump pack nut. One word of caution--adjust it very carefully and only a little at a time, just enough to stop the leak. U.S.A.…
Quality Restoration Parts
Part Of A Popular Minor Modification
Will Fit And Function Like The Original Model A Clamp
Over the years many Model T owners saw the benefit of updating their cars with a Model A exhaust…
The authentic copper gaskets with a fiber core just like Ford used. Model A's and T's used this on the oil pan of the motor and Model T's used this same gasket for the oil plug on the rear end of 1909-25's. U.S.A.…
All piston sets are top quality, cam ground and made with modern materials. Wrist pins and retaining clips are included. This set includes one piston, wrist pin, and retaining clips. Order four if you are rebuilding your engine. We…
This kit is intended to greatly improve the underhood appearance of your assembled car. A typical kit will provide factory correct fasteners for your battery hold down, brake booster hose, cowl braces, cowl panel,fan shroud, headlamp…
Extra heavy cup shaped washers that hold the intake and exhaust manifolds in place. The crown or high point of the washer goes away from the motor. U.S.A.…
Modern cap with plug wires and wire boots. Fits directly in place of the original distributor cap. This setup is beneficial if you are running a CB or radio in your Model A because it gets rid of the engine noise that is normally…
Tired of coolant weaping around the head! This unique gasket has a solid steel core sandwiched by heavy-duty high density gasket material coated with silicone. Additional high temperature silicone bands surround all water passages. Install…
Made from laminated shim stock. Two shims for rear main, and four for center and front main bearings. Fits 1932-34 "B" 4-cylinder motors. .016" thick, .002" per lamination. U.S.A.…