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Ford Thunderbird Sequential Relay, All-in-one, 1966
Model: 3073467
Condition: NEW
This is a one-step replacement for the sequential components in the trunk. It replaces the sequential flasher, the sequential relay and the stop light relay. This single unit has plug connections which match the car's wiring harness. …
SEQUENTIAL RELAY - W/out Auxiliary Stop Lamps - Be
Model: 3073488
Condition: NEW
SEQUENTIAL RELAY - W/out Auxiliary Stop Lamps - Before 11-6-67 …
Ford Thunderbird Sequential Relay, All-in-one, 1966
Model: 3073481
Condition: NEW
The original electro-mechanical sequential relay is a roughly 3? square metal box with a black plastic lid to which about a dozen wires are attached. The new replacement unit has a matching plug that will plug right into the original…
Ford Thunderbird Relay, Without Auxiliary Stop Lights, 1968
Model: 3073480
Condition: NEW
The original electro-mechanical sequential relay is a roughly 3? square metal box with a black plastic lid to which about a dozen wires are attached. The new replacement unit has a matching plug that will plug right into the original…
Ford Thunderbird Sequential Pack, All-in-one, 1967
Model: 3073486
Condition: NEW
The all-in-one Sequential Pack replaces both the sequential relay and the sequential flasher. On early 67 Thunderbirds it also replaces the stop light relay. All the plugs match the plugs on the factory harness, so it just plugs in and is…
Ford Thunderbird Relay, With Auxiliary Stop Lights, 1968
Model: 3073484
Condition: NEW
The original electro-mechanical sequential relay is a roughly 3? square metal box with a black plastic lid to which about a dozen wires are attached. The new replacement unit has a matching plug that will plug right into the original…
Ford Thunderbird Sequential Relay, 1965-66
Model: 3073483
Condition: NEW
This is an electronic replacement for the turn signal sequential relay in the trunk. The rubber mounting pad in the trunk is home for 3 components: The sequential relay, the stop light relay, and the sequential flasher.…
Ford Thunderbird Sequential Relay, 1967
Model: 3073479
Condition: NEW
The all-in-one Sequential Pack replaces both the sequential relay and the sequential flasher. On early 67's it also replaces the stop light relay. All the plugs match the plugs on the factory harness, so it just plugs in and is ready to go.…
Ford Thunderbird Black Box Sequential Unit, 1969-71
Model: 3073477
Condition: NEW
The Black Box system was introduced during 1969 production and was used throughout 70 and 71. The Black Box is located in the trunk up on the ledge ahead of the spare tire and is fastened to the seat supports.…
Ford Thunderbird Sequential Relay, All-in-one, 1968
Model: 3073476
Condition: NEW
The original electro-mechanical sequential relay is a roughly 3? square metal box with a black plastic lid to which about a dozen wires are attached. The new replacement unit has a matching plug that will plug right into the original…
Ford Thunderbird Sequential Unit, All-in-one, 1965
Model: 3073473
Condition: NEW
This is a one-step replacement for the sequential components in the trunk. It replaces the sequential flasher, the sequential relay and the stop light relay. This single unit has plug connections which match the car's wiring harness.…
Ford Thunderbird Seq Relay, With Electric-Mechanical System, 1969
Model: 3073472
Condition: NEW
The original electro-mechanical sequential relay is a roughly 3? square metal box with a black plastic lid to which about a dozen wires are attached. The new replacement unit has a matching plug that will plug right into the original…
Ford Thunderbird Sequential Pack, All-in-one, 1967
Model: 3073470
Condition: NEW
The All in One Sequential Pack replaces both the sequential relay and the sequential flasher. On early 67's it also replaces the stop light relay. All the plugs match the plugs on the factory harness, so it just plugs in and is ready to…